Dr. Andrew Kong & Associates
Diabetes Approximately 1.25 million American children and adults have type 1 diabetes. The prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in the U.S. increased by 382% from 1988 to 2014 Diabetes kills more Americans every year than AIDS and breast cancer combined In 2010 the United States had 69,201 diabetes related deaths. A person with diagnosed diabetes at age 50 dies 6 years earlier than a counterpart without diabetes People with diabetes frequently experience certain symptoms that include: Extreme Thirst • Frequent Urination • Weight Loss • Increased Hunger • Blurry Vision Irritability • Tingling or Numbness in the hands or feet • Frequent Skin, Bladder or Gum Infections Wounds that Don't Heal • Extreme Unexplained Fatigue Our doctors closely monitor your blood glucose levels regularly to keep your them within a normal a range as frequently as possible. Why is this so important? Poorly managed diabetes can lead to a wide variety of long-term complications these include heart attacks, strokes, blindness, kidney failure, and blood vessel diseases that can sometimes lead to amputation, nerve damage, and impotence in men. At Dr. Andrew Kong & Associates some of our treatments include but are not limited to: • Acupuncture • Vitamin and Nutritional Detox • Oral Chelation • Proper Diet / Nutrition Education and Therapy • Herbs / Homeopathic Remedies